Cooking can be a daunting process especially if you aren’t in the kitchen on a regular basis. I’m sharing my best tips for stress-free cooking that will keep you happy and excited to create your newly found recipes.
Here are my steps for stress-free cooking:
- Keep a well-stocked fridge and pantry. Your excitement can become frustration if you don’t have the items that you need.
- Read through the entire recipe ahead of time and make sure you have all the ingredients you need and are doing all the prep necessary to execute the recipe correctly. If you’re not using a recipe, make yourself a list.
- Note whether anything needs to be prepared in advance. Does the ingredient require toasting, soaking, marinating, defrosting, warming or chilling?
- Make sure your space is clear and you have your tools and utensils clean and ready
- Keep a shopping list on hand so you can make a note to restock if you run out of any pantry or fridge staples while you’re cooking.
- Invest in a set of mixing bowls of varying sizes so you can organize your chopped vegetables and herbs.
- Prep all your ingredients before you begin (this includes measuring, washing, chopping, blending, etc.).
- Clean up as you go. This may be the most important piece of advice! If you’re waiting for something to boil or cook, use those few minutes to keep your space clean and tidy.
Do you have any tips for stress-free cooking? Share them with me below! For more tips on cooking, check out my Tips & Tricks page!