*Updated on Monday, March 30th – A winner has been announced on Instagram.
In celebration of reaching 5,000 followers on Instagram, I want to award one lucky winner on Instagram with a $250 Cash Giveaway!
Thank you for following along and engaging with me over delicious vegan dishes! Food is something that connects all of us, no matter where we are. In these current times of Social Distancing, we are looking to connect more than ever before. Since most of us are staying at home and cooking, I hope my recipes will inspire you and bring excitement to your daily routine.
I would also like to take this opportunity as a chance to thank all of those who are working tirelessly on the frontlines during this pandemic. Your effort has not gone unnoticed!
To enter, head to my Instagram page at @SusanCooksVegan and find the image that you see in this blog post OR click straight to the post below.
1 winner of the Instagram $250 Cash Giveaway will be chosen and announced on Instagram on Monday, March 30th and paid via e-transfer in Canadian dollars. This giveaway is not affiliated with Instagram and is open to Canada and the US.
PS. If you’re looking for inspiration on what to stock your cupboards with, head to my PANTRY for a list of what’s in mine.